
Knowledge Base

Legacy & Discontinued Products

This page serves as an archive of solid models, drawings, and other product information for Saunders Machine Works products no longer available for purchase.  Fixture Plates Abdi Automation DMC3 PLUS...

Legacy & Discontinued Products

This page serves as an archive of solid models, drawings, and other product information for Saunders Machine Works products no longer available for purchase.  Fixture Plates Abdi Automation DMC3 PLUS...

Modular Vise Setup & Use

Gen3 Modular Vise Gen2 Modular Vise Gen1 Modular Vise

Modular Vise Setup & Use

Gen3 Modular Vise Gen2 Modular Vise Gen1 Modular Vise

Torque Specs: Modular Vise

Clamping Bolt Torque Clamping force is a function of both a) the torque applied to the clamping bolts and b) how much the jaw is 'preloaded' (i.e. how far the...

Torque Specs: Modular Vise

Clamping Bolt Torque Clamping force is a function of both a) the torque applied to the clamping bolts and b) how much the jaw is 'preloaded' (i.e. how far the...

How Does the Mod Vise Work?

The SMW Mod Vise uses tapered clamping screws to apply clamping force to the part. These screws transfer the downward force generated by torquing the screws into horizontal force pushing...

How Does the Mod Vise Work?

The SMW Mod Vise uses tapered clamping screws to apply clamping force to the part. These screws transfer the downward force generated by torquing the screws into horizontal force pushing...

Gen2 vs. Gen3 Modular Vise

While there are some minor quality of life changes, the primary reason for a new vise generation is to allow better support for metric fixture plate patterns (M6 & M12)....

Gen2 vs. Gen3 Modular Vise

While there are some minor quality of life changes, the primary reason for a new vise generation is to allow better support for metric fixture plate patterns (M6 & M12)....

Mod Vise Jaw Hardware: Insert Bars vs. Castle Grips vs. Turret Grips

Insert Bars Our Jaw Insert Bars are simple, smooth clamping surfaces that sit in the Mod Vise's top jaw and allow using the built-in 1.00" [25.4mm] jaw parallel, and when...

Mod Vise Jaw Hardware: Insert Bars vs. Castle Grips vs. Turret Grips

Insert Bars Our Jaw Insert Bars are simple, smooth clamping surfaces that sit in the Mod Vise's top jaw and allow using the built-in 1.00" [25.4mm] jaw parallel, and when...

Converting a Single Station SMW Mod Vise to a Dual Station Vise

Due to the modular nature of the SMW Mod Vise, upgrading your single station vise to a dual station at any time is simple. Generally, this requires buying an additional...

Converting a Single Station SMW Mod Vise to a Dual Station Vise

Due to the modular nature of the SMW Mod Vise, upgrading your single station vise to a dual station at any time is simple. Generally, this requires buying an additional...

Using the SMW Modular Vise Without a Fixture Plate

While our Modular Vise System is designed to work exclusively with our standard fixture plate hole patterns, we understand that customers may have a different fixture plate or otherwise want...

Using the SMW Modular Vise Without a Fixture Plate

While our Modular Vise System is designed to work exclusively with our standard fixture plate hole patterns, we understand that customers may have a different fixture plate or otherwise want...